Ризван Гусейнов: Азербайджан - непостоянный член Совбеза ООН: интриги, фобии и ожидания
In English: Rizvan Huseynov: Azerbaijan-non-permanent member of the UN Security Council: intrigue, phobias and expectations
24 октября, в Нью-Йорке на заседании Генассамблеи ООН состоялось повторное голосование по выборам последнего непостоянного члена Совета безопасности ООН - от группы восточноевропейских государств. Согласно регламенту, выборы непостоянных членов осуществляются тайным голосованием. На это место претендовали три страны - Азербайджан, Венгрия и Словения. После того как Венгрия сняла свою кандидатуру, на голосование были выдвинуты Словения и Азербайджан. В ходе первого раунда голосования Азербайджан набрал 116 голосов, а Словения - 77. Однако в связи с тем, что ни одна из сторон не набрала необходимые 129 голосов, был назначен новый раунд голосования. Но еще до начала очередного раунда голосования, министр иностранных дел Словении Самуэль Збогар, заявил, что представляемая им страна отозвала свою кандидатуру в непостоянные члены Совбеза ООН.
24 октября, в Нью-Йорке на заседании Генассамблеи ООН состоялось повторное голосование по выборам последнего непостоянного члена Совета безопасности ООН - от группы восточноевропейских государств. Согласно регламенту, выборы непостоянных членов осуществляются тайным голосованием. На это место претендовали три страны - Азербайджан, Венгрия и Словения. После того как Венгрия сняла свою кандидатуру, на голосование были выдвинуты Словения и Азербайджан. В ходе первого раунда голосования Азербайджан набрал 116 голосов, а Словения - 77. Однако в связи с тем, что ни одна из сторон не набрала необходимые 129 голосов, был назначен новый раунд голосования. Но еще до начала очередного раунда голосования, министр иностранных дел Словении Самуэль Збогар, заявил, что представляемая им страна отозвала свою кандидатуру в непостоянные члены Совбеза ООН.
результате этого в ходе последнего голосования, Азербайджан впервые в
своей истории стал непостоянным членом Совета безопасности ООН на
2012-2013 гг. За Азербайджан проголосовали 155 стран, 24 страны
воздержались, 13 по-прежнему проголосовали за снявшую свою кандидатуру
Словению. Напомним, что ранее по итогам голосования, новыми
непостоянными членами СБ ООН стали также Гватемала, Марокко, Того и
Пакистан. Совет Безопасности ООН состоит из пяти постоянных членов -
США, России, Великобритании, Франции и Китая и 10 непостоянных членов,
которые избираются на два года. В отличие от постоянных членов, они не
обладают правом вето, но в остальных вопросах имеют равные права с
бессменной пятеркой стран, членов Совбеза ООН.
в процессе выдвижения кандидатуры Азербайджана в непостоянные члены
Совбеза ООН и в период голосования, ряд российских и армянских СМИ с
опасением высказались относительно перспектив раскрывающихся перед
официальным Баку в случае членства страны в Совбезе ООН. Основным
лейтмотивом подобных опасений, стало то, что Азербайджан может
использовать свое членство в Совбезе как рычаг давления на Армению в
вопросе разрешения продолжающегося более 20 лет армяно-азербайджанского
нагорно-карабахского конфликта. К примеру, российский эксперт, президент
научного общества кавказоведов, ведущий научный сотрудник Института
мировой экономики и международных отношений Российской академии наук
(ИМЭМО РАН) Александр Крылов, в интервью армянским СМИ посчитал, что
"Азербайджан стремится в Совбез ООН, чтобы "насолить" Армении".
По мнению Крылова, за 20 лет
Азербайджан добился весьма значительных успехов на международной арене, и
его соседям не следует недооценивать этот факт. По его словам,
результаты голосования служат наглядным тому примером. "Можно относиться
к тем или иным странам без симпатии, но очень опасно недооценивать
потенциал соседа, тем более, если в отношениях с ним имеются большие
проблемы", - заявил Крылов. "Трибуна Совбеза ООН дает новые возможности
для ведения дипломатической и информационной войны против Армении. Эта
война ведется Азербайджаном уже многие годы и постепенно приносит свои
плоды. Вся Европа завалена переведенной на многие языки азербайджанской
литературой. На фоне пассивности армянской стороны, Азербайджан внедряет
собственную трактовку истории конфликта, продвигаясь в плане
дискредитации Армении как государства "агрессора" и "оккупанта", -
отметил Крылов. По мнению эксперта, в случае получения Азербайджаном
статуса непостоянного члена СБ ООН, начнется "новое
дипломатическо-пропагандистское наступление на Армению". "Это будет
делаться с целью добиться от нее односторонних уступок, а потом и
капитуляции по проблеме Карабаха", - сказал ведущий научный сотрудник
ИМЭМО РАН, указывая на очевидность того, что Азербайджан в качестве
непостоянного члена СБ ООН создаст много дополнительных проблем Армении.
По мнению Крылова, в плане политического лоббизма, разнообразия форм
информационно-пропагандистской войны, масштаба имиджевых мероприятий и
т.п., азербайджанский опыт может оказаться для Армении весьма ценным.
Другой российский эксперт - обозреватель ИА REGNUM Станислав
Тарасов, придерживается иного мнения и считает, что "вряд ли
непостоянное членство в Совбезе ООН продвинет Азербайджан в направлении
урегулирования карабахского конфликта в свою пользу". "Для Азербайджана,
статус непостоянного члена Совета безопасности ООН - это вопрос
международного престижа страны. Поэтому набранные им на первых выборах
113 голосов, среди которых есть и голос России, можно отнести к
определенному успеху азербайджанской дипломатии. К тому же, Азербайджан
играет заметную роль в развитии сотрудничества в прикаспийско-кавказском
регионе, где разворачиваются сложные геополитические процессы. Но это в
самом широком контексте. Если же говорить о новых возможностях в случае
избрания в непостоянные члены СБ ООН, в плане, скажем урегулирования
карабахского конфликта в свою пользу, то вряд ли это членство продвинет
Баку в этом направлении. Более того, Азербайджан могут более активно
подталкивать в сторону принятия уже разработанных Минской группой ОБСЕ
принципов урегулирования этого конфликта" - заявил Станислав Тарасов.
в этом вопросе позицию официального Баку сразу после голосования и
избрания Азербайджана непостоянным членом СБ ООН в Нью-Йорке высказал
глава МИД Эльмар Мамедъяров. "У Азербайджана имеются некоторые вопросы,
которые можно вынести на повестку дня Совета Безопасности ООН. Одним из
основных вопросов является вопрос о международной безопасности и мире", -
отметил Мамедъяров. Министр в качестве других важных вопросов
подчеркнул вопросы помощи бедным странам, окружающей среды и
мультикультурализма: "Как страна с сильной и развитой экономикой, мы
понимаем, что обязаны, помочь бедным странам".
касается нагорно-карабахской проблемы, министр заявил, что "внесение
этого вопроса в повестку дня Совбеза, зависит не только от нашего
желания и воли, а также от всех привлеченных в конфликт сторон". То есть
глава МИД Азербайджана четко дал понять, что официальный Баку продолжит
в прежнем формате - в рамках МГ ОБСЕ мирные переговоры по разрешению
нагорно-карабахского конфликта. Возможно, продолжение переговоров в
формате МГ ОБСЕ и было одним из условий для Азербайджана со стороны
ведущих держав, в первую очередь США и России, взамен на поддержку
кандидатуры Азербайджана в непостоянные члены Совбеза ООН. Отметим, что
США и Россия являются странами-сопредседателями МГ ОБСЕ по разрешению
карабахского конфликта. У России с Азербайджаном достигнуто согласие
относительно транзитных маршрутов поставок газа в Европу, в связи с чем
Москва видимо и не была изначально намерена чинить препятствия членству
Азербайджана в СБ ООН. По поводу позиции и интересов США на голосовании в
Нью-Йорке мы скажем вкупе с третьим сопредседателем - Францией.
в том, что на голосовании в Совбезе ООН французская сторона сперва
делала все, чтобы не дать Азербайджану набрать нужное количество
голосов. По информации американского портала "Репортер" со ссылкой на
дипломатические источники, стало известно, что в прошедшие выходные в
Нью-Йорке, французские дипломаты активно лоббировали по всему миру
кандидатуру Словении для избрания непостоянным членом Совета
безопасности ООН.
Далее, по
поводу хода голосования американское издание пишет: "После перерыва
голосование продолжилось. С каждым новым туром Азербайджан перетягивал
на свою сторону все больше и больше стран. По мнению наблюдателей,
победа Баку была близка. Однако вмешательство Франции, потребовавшей
обеспечения синхронного перевода на французский, фактически прервало
наступательный ход голосования в пользу Баку. В итоге, выборы перенесли
на понедельник". Однако в итоге Словения сняла свою кандидатуру, по всей
видимости, по настоянию США, которые в самый последний момент, в
кулуарах Совбеза выступили с поддержкой кандидатуры Азербайджана.
такого поведения США, попытался объяснить в интервью SalamNews
азербайджанский политолог Зардушт Ализаде. По мнению политолога,
"последнее слово" в вопросе непостоянного членства Азербайджана в
Совбезе ООН - за США. "Я так думаю, что среди вопросов, которые недавно
решали высокопоставленные дипломаты в ходе поездки в Баку, было
зондирование мнения - поддержит или нет Азербайджан, право Палестины
быть полноправным членом ООН", - отметил он. В случае, если Азербайджан
признает независимость Палестины, продолжил он, США и
страны-государства, голосующие вместе с ними, воздержатся от голосования
в поддержку кандидатуры Азербайджана в непостоянные члены Совбеза,
считает политолог. По мнению З.Ализаде, последние 20 лет показали, что
ООН, как международная структура, потеряла свой вес и влияние в мире.
"Членство в Совете безопасности ООН Азербайджану ничего не даст,
результаты этого шага будут равны абсолютному нулю", - сказал эксперт,
добавив, что членство в Совете никак не сможет отразиться на
урегулировании нагорно-карабахского конфликта.
верно суждение З.Ализаде о том, что в кулуарах Совбеза между
американской и азербайджанской сторонами состоялся торг относительно
полноправного членства Палестины в ООН, покажет время. В любом случае,
можно сказать, что Азербайджан, еще раз показал, что имеет свое место и
вес не только в региональной, но и международной политике, в частности в
таких щепетильных вопросах, как арабо-израильский.
Еще один из
интересных нюансов, имевших место в рамках гонки за место в непостоянные
члены Совбеза ООН, раскрыл общественности президент Азербайджана Ильхам
Алиев, выступая 24 октября в ходе заседания Кабинета Министров страны.
"Возможно, азербайджанская общественность не знает об этом. Могу
сказать, что на предварительном этапе Армения наряду с нами также внесла
свою кандидатуру. Однако несколько месяцев назад, наверное, там
подумали и поняли, что они не в состоянии конкурировать с Азербайджаном
на дипломатической арене, и очень тихо, бесшумно отозвали свою
кандидатуру", - отметил азербайджанский президент.
Алиев выразил надежду на то, что и в урегулировании
армяно-азербайджанского, нагорно-карабахского конфликта Армения
продемонстрирует такой же подход, вновь подумает и взвесит все факторы.
"Надеюсь, что в Армении осознают, наконец, что они не могут и не смогут
конкурировать с Азербайджаном ни в одной области. Чем раньше они это
поймут, тем лучше для них. Так как не исключено, что их политический и
дипломатический крах, неудача на выборах в Совет Безопасности ООН, не
ограничатся лишь дипломатической ареной. Азербайджан - сильное
государство, и соседи сильных государств обычно хотят дружить с ними", -
подчеркнул глава Азербайджана. Подведя итоги, следует отметить, что по
большому счету, избрание Азербайджана непостоянным членом Совбеза ООН на
2012-2013 гг., может иметь большую практическую пользу как для стран
Восточной Европы, Южного Кавказа и Прикаспийского региона, так и для
соседних регионов. Активное участие в работе и подготовке различных
проектов, программ и документов в Совбезе ООН, позволит Азербайджану
шире вовлекать в них страны региона, а также заострять внимание мировой
общественность на региональных проблемах. А что касается опасений
относительно возможного злоупотребления Азербайджаном своим статусом в
Совбезе ООН во вред Армении, то это не что иное как попытка некоторых
представителей экспертного сообщества спекулировать и играть на фобиях
армянских властей и общества относительно армяно-азербайджанского
И без Совбеза ООН, у
Азербайджана есть немало рычагов: экономических, дипломатических,
политических и иных для влияния на позицию Армении по карабахскому
вопросу. До сих пор не выполнены 4 резолюции Совбеза ООН о немедленном
выводе армянских войск с азербайджанских территорий, что лучше всего
демонстрирует отношение этой организации к армяно-азербайджанскому
конфликту. На данном этапе нет альтернативы формату МГ ОБСЕ в вопросе
продолжения мирных переговоров по разрешению карабахского конфликта, и
если Азербайджан хотел бы искать иной формат или способ разрешения
конфликта, то первым делом дал бы об этом знать странам-сопредседателям.
Тем более, что все они: США, Россия и Франция являются членами Совбеза
ООН и от перестановки слагаемых, то бишь смены формата МГ ОБСЕ на Совбез
ООН, сумма держав, заинтересованных быть вовлеченными в рутину
разрешения карабахского конфликта, фактически не изменится.
Rizvan Huseynov: Azerbaijan-non-permanent member of the UN Security Council: intrigue, phobias and expectations
24 October, in New York at the UN General Assembly
meeting was held the repeated voting on elections of the last
non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council from the Group of Eastern
European States. Under the rules, elections of non-permanent seats are
held by secret ballot. At this place were the three
countries-Azerbaijan, Hungary and Slovenia. After Hungary had withdrawn
its candidature to the vote were made by Azerbaijan and Slovenia. During
the first round of voting on Azerbaijan scored 116 votes, and
Slovenia-77. However, because neither side had gained the necessary 129
votes, was appointed as the new round of voting. But even before the
beginning of the next round of balloting, the Slovenian Foreign Minister
Samuel Zbogar, said that his country had withdrawn its candidature for a
non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
As a result, during the last vote, Azerbaijan for the first time in its history became a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council on the 2012-2013 biennium. For Azerbaijan voted 155 countries, 24 countries abstaining, 13 still voted for the snâvšuû candidate Slovenia. As we have informed, earlier on the outcome of the vote, new non-permanent members of the UN SECURITY COUNCIL have also become Guatemala, Morocco, Togo and Pakistan. The UN Security Council consists of five permanent members of the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China and the 10 non-permanent members which are elected for two years. Unlike the permanent members, they do not have veto power, but in other matters have equal rights with the five permanent UN Security Council member countries.
Still in the process of nomination of Azerbaijan in non-permanent members of the UN Security Council and the voting period, several Russian and Armenian media with fear expressed about the prospects of the drop-down before the official Baku, in the case of membership in the UN Security Council. The main idea of such fears, is that Azerbaijan can use its membership of the Security Council as a lever of pressure on Armenia regarding permissions more than 20 years of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorny Karabakh conflict. For example, a Russian expert, President of the scientific society of kavkazovedov, leading researcher of the Institute of world economy and international relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO) Alexander Krylov, in an interview with the Armenian media considered that "the UN Security Council seeking to Azerbaijan to" nasolit′ "Armenia".
In the view of Krylov for 20 years, Azerbaijan has made very significant progress on the international scene and its neighbours should not be overlooked that fact. According to him, voting results were a clear example. "Can relate to in one way or the other countries without sympathy, but very dangerous to underestimate the potential of the neighbour, the more so if relations with it, there are big problems," said Krylov. "Tribune UN Security Council gives new opportunities for diplomatic and media war against Armenia. This war is being waged by Azerbaijan for many years and gradually yielding results. All of Europe with translated into many languages of Azerbaijan literature. Against the backdrop of the passivity of the Armenian side, Azerbaijan implements its own understanding of the history of the conflict, moving to discredit Armenia as the aggressor State "and" occupier "wings. Expert's opinion, in the case of Azerbaijan the status of non-permanent seat on the UN SECURITY COUNCIL, will begin a "new diplomatic offensive in favour of Armenia". "This will be done in order to achieve its unilateral concessions and then the capitulation on the issue of Karabakh," said Senior researcher of the IMEMO, pointing to evidence that Azerbaijan in a non-permanent seat on the UN SECURITY COUNCIL will create many additional problems, Armenia. In the view of Krylov, in terms of political lobbying, the diversity of advocacy of war, scale image events etc., Azerbaijani experience could prove valuable for Armenia.
Another Russian expert-browser BakuToday Stanislav Tarasov, a different view and believes that "hardly non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council will Azerbaijan towards the settlement of the Karabakh conflict in their favour." "For Azerbaijan, the status of non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council is the question the international prestige of the country. Therefore, recruited them at the first election 113 votes, including the voice of Russia, can be attributed to a particular success of Azerbaijan diplomacy. Moreover, Azerbaijan played a significant role in promoting cooperation in prikaspijsko-Caucasus region, where the unfolding complex geopolitical processes. But this in its broadest context. If we talk about the new features in the case of election to the non-permanent members of the UN SECURITY COUNCIL, in terms of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, say in its favour, it is unlikely that this membership will advance Baku in this direction. Moreover, Azerbaijan can more actively push towards the adoption of the OSCE Minsk Group already developed principles for the resolution of this conflict, "said Stanislav Tarasov.
However, in this respect the position of the official Baku immediately after the vote and electing non-permanent member of the UN SECURITY COUNCIL Azerbaijan in New York said Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov. "Azerbaijan there were some issues that can be put on the agenda of the UN Security Council. One of the major issues is the question of international security and peace, "said Mamedyarov. Minister as other important issues highlighted the issues of assistance to poor countries, the environment and multiculturalism: "as a country with a strong and developed economies, we understand that to help poor countries".
With regard to the Nagorno-Karabakh problem, the Minister stated that "the introduction of this item in the agenda of the Security Council depends not only on our desire and will, as well as from all involved parties in the conflict". That is, the head of Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry made it clear that official Baku will continue in the same format as part of MG OSCE peace talks to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Possibly, continuation of the negotiations within the OSCE MINSK GROUP format and was one of the conditions for Azerbaijan on the part of the major powers, primarily the United States and Russia, in exchange for support for Azerbaijan in non-permanent members of the UN Security Council. It should be noted that the United States and Russia are the OSCE mg Co-Chairmen countries to resolve the Karabakh conflict. From Russia with Azerbaijan agreed transit routes of gas supply in Europe, which Moscow apparently was never originally intended to hinder membership of Azerbaijan in the UN SECURITY COUNCIL. About the position and interests of the United States on the ballot in New York, we say, coupled with the third co-chair-France.
In fact, on a vote in the UN Security Council the French side at first did not allow Azerbaijan to recruit the required number of votes. According to the American Portal "Reporter", citing diplomatic sources, it became known that over the past weekend in New York, French diplomats lobbied actively worldwide candidature of Slovenia for electing non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.
Next, regarding the voting American Edition says: "after a suspension vote continued. With each new round of Azerbaijan was at his side more and more countries. According to observers, the victory of Baku was close. However, the intervention of France, made for simultaneous interpretation into French, had actually discontinued offensive status vote in favor of Baku. As a result, the election postponed on Monday. But in the end, Slovenia had withdrawn its candidature, apparently at the insistence of the United States, which at the last moment, on the sidelines of the Security Council supported the candidacy of Azerbaijan.
The reason for this behavior, United States, tried to explain in an interview with political scientist Zardusht Alizade of Azerbaijan SalamNews. According to political scientist, the "last word" in the matter of non-permanent membership of Azerbaijan in the UN Security Council to the United States. "I think that among the issues recently addressed by senior diplomats during a visit to Baku was sensing views-would support or not Azerbaijan, entitled Palestine be a full member of the United Nations," he said. When Azerbaijan recognizes Palestinian independence, he continued, the United States and the country-state voters along with them, would abstain from voting in support of candidates of Azerbaijan in non-permanent members of the Security Council, a political scientist. According to z. Alizadeh, the past 20 years have shown that the UN as an international structure, has lost its power and influence in the world. "Membership in the UN Security Council to Azerbaijan would not work, the results of this step are equal to absolute zero," the expert said, adding that membership in the Council will not be able to affect the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
How true judgment z. Alizadeh that on the sidelines of the Security Council between American and Azerbaijani sides held talks on full membership to Palestine in the UN, time will tell. In any case, we can say that Azerbaijan, has shown once again that has its place and weight not only regional but also international policies, in particular in such sensitive areas as the Arab-Israeli. Another of the interesting nuances that took place in the race for a seat in the non-permanent members of the UN Security Council, revealed to the public, the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, speaking 24 October during the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of the country. "Perhaps the Azerbaijani public is not aware of this. I can say that at the preliminary stage of Armenia along with us also made his candidacy. However, a few months ago, probably there thought and realized that they were not in a position to compete with Azerbaijan in the diplomatic arena, and very quietly, quietly withdrew his candidacy, "said the Azerbaijani President.
Ilham Aliyev expressed hope that in the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorny Karabakh conflict, Armenia will demonstrate the same approach again think and consider all factors. "I hope that in Armenia to realize finally that they cannot and will not be able to compete with Azerbaijan in any area. The sooner they will realize this, the better for them. Because it is possible that their political and diplomatic failure, failure of the UN Security Council elections, beyond just the diplomatic arena. Azerbaijan-a strong State, and neighbors of strong States usually want to be friends with them, "said the head of Azerbaijan. Summarizing, it should be noted that generally speaking, election of Azerbaijan non-permanent member of the UN Security Council on the 2012-2013, can be of great practical benefit for the countries of Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and the Caspian Sea region and neighbouring regions. Active participation in the work and the preparation of various projects, programmes and instruments in the UN Security Council, would allow Azerbaijan to fuller engagement of the countries of the region, as well as to focus world public opinion to the regional problems. (A) with regard to concerns about possible abuse by Azerbaijan of its status in the UN Security Council to the detriment of Armenia, there is nothing as an attempt by some members of the expert community to speculate and play on the fobiâh of the Armenian authorities and society regarding the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.
And without the UN Security Council, Azerbaijan there are quite a few instruments: economic, diplomatic, political and other to influence the position of Armenia on the Karabakh issue. Not yet implemented 4 of the resolution the UN Security Council for an immediate withdrawal of Armenian troops from Azerbaijani territories that best demonstrates the relevance of this organization to the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. At this stage there is no alternative to the OSCE MG in the format for the continuation of the peace negotiations to resolve the Karabakh conflict, and if you would like to search for other Azerbaijan format or how to resolve the conflict, the first thing would know about it-the co-chairs. So much so that all of them: United States, Russia and France are members of the UN Security Council and from permutations components also change discussed… at UN Security Council powers amount concerned to be involved in routine resolution of Karabakh conflict virtually unchanged.
As a result, during the last vote, Azerbaijan for the first time in its history became a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council on the 2012-2013 biennium. For Azerbaijan voted 155 countries, 24 countries abstaining, 13 still voted for the snâvšuû candidate Slovenia. As we have informed, earlier on the outcome of the vote, new non-permanent members of the UN SECURITY COUNCIL have also become Guatemala, Morocco, Togo and Pakistan. The UN Security Council consists of five permanent members of the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China and the 10 non-permanent members which are elected for two years. Unlike the permanent members, they do not have veto power, but in other matters have equal rights with the five permanent UN Security Council member countries.
Still in the process of nomination of Azerbaijan in non-permanent members of the UN Security Council and the voting period, several Russian and Armenian media with fear expressed about the prospects of the drop-down before the official Baku, in the case of membership in the UN Security Council. The main idea of such fears, is that Azerbaijan can use its membership of the Security Council as a lever of pressure on Armenia regarding permissions more than 20 years of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorny Karabakh conflict. For example, a Russian expert, President of the scientific society of kavkazovedov, leading researcher of the Institute of world economy and international relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO) Alexander Krylov, in an interview with the Armenian media considered that "the UN Security Council seeking to Azerbaijan to" nasolit′ "Armenia".
In the view of Krylov for 20 years, Azerbaijan has made very significant progress on the international scene and its neighbours should not be overlooked that fact. According to him, voting results were a clear example. "Can relate to in one way or the other countries without sympathy, but very dangerous to underestimate the potential of the neighbour, the more so if relations with it, there are big problems," said Krylov. "Tribune UN Security Council gives new opportunities for diplomatic and media war against Armenia. This war is being waged by Azerbaijan for many years and gradually yielding results. All of Europe with translated into many languages of Azerbaijan literature. Against the backdrop of the passivity of the Armenian side, Azerbaijan implements its own understanding of the history of the conflict, moving to discredit Armenia as the aggressor State "and" occupier "wings. Expert's opinion, in the case of Azerbaijan the status of non-permanent seat on the UN SECURITY COUNCIL, will begin a "new diplomatic offensive in favour of Armenia". "This will be done in order to achieve its unilateral concessions and then the capitulation on the issue of Karabakh," said Senior researcher of the IMEMO, pointing to evidence that Azerbaijan in a non-permanent seat on the UN SECURITY COUNCIL will create many additional problems, Armenia. In the view of Krylov, in terms of political lobbying, the diversity of advocacy of war, scale image events etc., Azerbaijani experience could prove valuable for Armenia.
Another Russian expert-browser BakuToday Stanislav Tarasov, a different view and believes that "hardly non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council will Azerbaijan towards the settlement of the Karabakh conflict in their favour." "For Azerbaijan, the status of non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council is the question the international prestige of the country. Therefore, recruited them at the first election 113 votes, including the voice of Russia, can be attributed to a particular success of Azerbaijan diplomacy. Moreover, Azerbaijan played a significant role in promoting cooperation in prikaspijsko-Caucasus region, where the unfolding complex geopolitical processes. But this in its broadest context. If we talk about the new features in the case of election to the non-permanent members of the UN SECURITY COUNCIL, in terms of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, say in its favour, it is unlikely that this membership will advance Baku in this direction. Moreover, Azerbaijan can more actively push towards the adoption of the OSCE Minsk Group already developed principles for the resolution of this conflict, "said Stanislav Tarasov.
However, in this respect the position of the official Baku immediately after the vote and electing non-permanent member of the UN SECURITY COUNCIL Azerbaijan in New York said Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov. "Azerbaijan there were some issues that can be put on the agenda of the UN Security Council. One of the major issues is the question of international security and peace, "said Mamedyarov. Minister as other important issues highlighted the issues of assistance to poor countries, the environment and multiculturalism: "as a country with a strong and developed economies, we understand that to help poor countries".
With regard to the Nagorno-Karabakh problem, the Minister stated that "the introduction of this item in the agenda of the Security Council depends not only on our desire and will, as well as from all involved parties in the conflict". That is, the head of Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry made it clear that official Baku will continue in the same format as part of MG OSCE peace talks to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Possibly, continuation of the negotiations within the OSCE MINSK GROUP format and was one of the conditions for Azerbaijan on the part of the major powers, primarily the United States and Russia, in exchange for support for Azerbaijan in non-permanent members of the UN Security Council. It should be noted that the United States and Russia are the OSCE mg Co-Chairmen countries to resolve the Karabakh conflict. From Russia with Azerbaijan agreed transit routes of gas supply in Europe, which Moscow apparently was never originally intended to hinder membership of Azerbaijan in the UN SECURITY COUNCIL. About the position and interests of the United States on the ballot in New York, we say, coupled with the third co-chair-France.
In fact, on a vote in the UN Security Council the French side at first did not allow Azerbaijan to recruit the required number of votes. According to the American Portal "Reporter", citing diplomatic sources, it became known that over the past weekend in New York, French diplomats lobbied actively worldwide candidature of Slovenia for electing non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.
Next, regarding the voting American Edition says: "after a suspension vote continued. With each new round of Azerbaijan was at his side more and more countries. According to observers, the victory of Baku was close. However, the intervention of France, made for simultaneous interpretation into French, had actually discontinued offensive status vote in favor of Baku. As a result, the election postponed on Monday. But in the end, Slovenia had withdrawn its candidature, apparently at the insistence of the United States, which at the last moment, on the sidelines of the Security Council supported the candidacy of Azerbaijan.
The reason for this behavior, United States, tried to explain in an interview with political scientist Zardusht Alizade of Azerbaijan SalamNews. According to political scientist, the "last word" in the matter of non-permanent membership of Azerbaijan in the UN Security Council to the United States. "I think that among the issues recently addressed by senior diplomats during a visit to Baku was sensing views-would support or not Azerbaijan, entitled Palestine be a full member of the United Nations," he said. When Azerbaijan recognizes Palestinian independence, he continued, the United States and the country-state voters along with them, would abstain from voting in support of candidates of Azerbaijan in non-permanent members of the Security Council, a political scientist. According to z. Alizadeh, the past 20 years have shown that the UN as an international structure, has lost its power and influence in the world. "Membership in the UN Security Council to Azerbaijan would not work, the results of this step are equal to absolute zero," the expert said, adding that membership in the Council will not be able to affect the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
How true judgment z. Alizadeh that on the sidelines of the Security Council between American and Azerbaijani sides held talks on full membership to Palestine in the UN, time will tell. In any case, we can say that Azerbaijan, has shown once again that has its place and weight not only regional but also international policies, in particular in such sensitive areas as the Arab-Israeli. Another of the interesting nuances that took place in the race for a seat in the non-permanent members of the UN Security Council, revealed to the public, the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, speaking 24 October during the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of the country. "Perhaps the Azerbaijani public is not aware of this. I can say that at the preliminary stage of Armenia along with us also made his candidacy. However, a few months ago, probably there thought and realized that they were not in a position to compete with Azerbaijan in the diplomatic arena, and very quietly, quietly withdrew his candidacy, "said the Azerbaijani President.
Ilham Aliyev expressed hope that in the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorny Karabakh conflict, Armenia will demonstrate the same approach again think and consider all factors. "I hope that in Armenia to realize finally that they cannot and will not be able to compete with Azerbaijan in any area. The sooner they will realize this, the better for them. Because it is possible that their political and diplomatic failure, failure of the UN Security Council elections, beyond just the diplomatic arena. Azerbaijan-a strong State, and neighbors of strong States usually want to be friends with them, "said the head of Azerbaijan. Summarizing, it should be noted that generally speaking, election of Azerbaijan non-permanent member of the UN Security Council on the 2012-2013, can be of great practical benefit for the countries of Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and the Caspian Sea region and neighbouring regions. Active participation in the work and the preparation of various projects, programmes and instruments in the UN Security Council, would allow Azerbaijan to fuller engagement of the countries of the region, as well as to focus world public opinion to the regional problems. (A) with regard to concerns about possible abuse by Azerbaijan of its status in the UN Security Council to the detriment of Armenia, there is nothing as an attempt by some members of the expert community to speculate and play on the fobiâh of the Armenian authorities and society regarding the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.
And without the UN Security Council, Azerbaijan there are quite a few instruments: economic, diplomatic, political and other to influence the position of Armenia on the Karabakh issue. Not yet implemented 4 of the resolution the UN Security Council for an immediate withdrawal of Armenian troops from Azerbaijani territories that best demonstrates the relevance of this organization to the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. At this stage there is no alternative to the OSCE MG in the format for the continuation of the peace negotiations to resolve the Karabakh conflict, and if you would like to search for other Azerbaijan format or how to resolve the conflict, the first thing would know about it-the co-chairs. So much so that all of them: United States, Russia and France are members of the UN Security Council and from permutations components also change discussed… at UN Security Council powers amount concerned to be involved in routine resolution of Karabakh conflict virtually unchanged.